Thursday, 10 May 2012

If I Knew then what I Know Now

Crohns is as much a part of who I am as anything else. When diagnosed I was told all the obvious things about incurable condition, flare-up and remission. All things anyone with chronic ill health needs.
As life as progressed, I have become accustomed to getting additional problems, problems which in their own right are debilitating and need attention, cause pain and suffering, and to be truthful, i could do without!
I have a great relationship with my consultant and she treats me as an equal, no talking down or inquisition! Most occasions i have deveoped additional problems, had tests and then gone to see her, she looks at me and always the friendly smile, then says its often the case that crohns sufferers develop this  or the same the next time! It's getting very regular now , blood clotting, gall stones, varices, obviously arthritis, liver issues , enlarged spleen, i'd better stop , don't want to scare the kids!
Now, i don't include this to suggest you have Crohns you will get xyz, because everyone of us as individuals get different problems and have different issues. I merely suggest that when you start the trip you imagine a bumpy ride, but one that goes in a formulated direction. In reality that can be so wrong.
Putting myself in my consultant or any other Crohnies consultants position, i think i wouldn't suggest to a patient that this or that could happen. common sense i suppose. My submission is that we, as crohnies can educate ourselves about potential secondary issues and complications, but its best for us to use that information as that and not assume anything!
I know that crohns alone is such a tortuous experience at times,  that on its own we all battle against a strong opponent, get both help and hindrance from medications, and should enjoy the victories we have over it!
One of the side issues that does seem more and more prevalent in relation to Crohns is insomnia, mild or chronic. I am interested to know just how prevalent it is, having made an attempt for response on twitter I got a largely deafening silence or my question/myself was just ignored!
Crohns is a companion however much we like it, i think ignorance isn't necessarily bliss and knowledge is power, cliche overload!! We as patients can choose to think we have a chronic condition and only focus when a flare up occurs or make some attempt to 'arm' ourselves against it for the future.
There is no definitive answer, this is my observation.

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