It struck me after blogging about my crohns and my surgery, that i have often referred to having a colostomy and problems with bleeding from it. Additionally, i have referred to my self image issues as a result of surgery.
I have read a number of fellow bloggers work, some are quite proud to show images of their scars and if it applies, their stomas.
I have toyed with the idea for some time as to whether to include an image in my blog, whether it was suitable or offensive. If people might object or whatever
I do want to add now this is not included for anything other than the time is right, it seems open and honest as part of a blog, and lastly, but by no means least, it is not designed in anyway for pity or to induce sympathy. I do not want any of you to feel that, i hope you don't. This blog is about me, my life with my illness, my fears and my thoughts.
I dont need anyone who hasn't lived this life to sympathise or have an opinion about my need to blog or indeed post the following images.
I post this because they are illustrations of my illness and as such warrant inclusion in this blog. They are included now, because it is a suitable time. A time on my terms and to usher in me blogging more, apologies, at least weekly, and because my health has now acquired added secondary complications.
i have discovered that rather than having a blocked bile duct, which i understood could be resolved endoscopically possible, i have cirrhosis of my liver. My consultant, as with most things Crohn's, cannot say whether this is due to the illness, the medication or a combination of both. When all's said and done, it isn't really that important either way, the liver, spleen and low platelets are all as a result of having crohn's from such a young age, for so long.
So i take pain relief to deal with the the liver, which at times can be 'difficult and very uncomfortable'. I am waiting for a dietician to advise on assisting with helping the liver as well as my crohn's, hoping a diet can be used that will not conflict with each others individual problems.
I have an endoscopy in a fortnight to check if anymore oesophagal vareces have formed. apparently this can be an element of the liver problem.
They also do not really know whether my blood clotting is the low platelets, poor vitamin k absorption, spleen, or the liver which is now an obvious 'candidate'.
My consultant is aiming to try and limit any more major scarring to the liver. Hence, the diet and the need not to be prescribed any medications which can cause 'strain' on the liver.
The good thing is i am not showing obvious yellowing as a consquence of the liver, which has to be a good thing.
It is a time when i will endeavour to focus on the best means, medically, surgically or through diet to deal with my new problems. I hope to enlarge on my progress or otherwise, via this blog.
This is my blog, all about me, my problems, and is in no way designed to influence or scare other sufferers into believing they might have similar things in store.
Crohn's is never that straightforward or simple. We have many variances in how IBD affects us all, the important thing is to be aware and vigilante for everything and share knowledge. That's my view anyway.
We are all different and very individual.
These images are mirror images, so my stoma is left side abdomen